
UPDATE: October 20, 2024

During a recent in-person meeting with the HOA board, the Town Project Manager, and the Construction Site Manager, it was indicated that the northbound road is expected to reopen by mid-November. The goal is to have both sides fully operational by Christmas, contingent upon weather conditions and any other unforeseen circumstances.

Additionally, please note that the sidewalk on the west side of Rippy will be extended to Cedar Street. The extension and/or replacement of the storm sewers has been completed. The Town is also obligated to restore the HOA sprinkler system and landscaping to their original condition.

UPDATE: July 26, 2024

The Town has confirmed that the drain pipes leading up to the Bradford Park neighborhood on Rippy will need to be replaced. This wasn't included in the original plan, but recent storms have revealed that the existing pipes aren't adequate for handling potential stormwater. To accommodate this, our entrance will need to be opened up one side at a time. A traffic control person will be assigned to help manage the flow.

Rippy Road Construction Project


Beginning Wednesday, November 15, 2023, XIT Paving & Construction will close eastbound Rippy Road from Cedar Street to FM 2499 to allow for installation of Stormwater box culverts and street improvements. Please follow the marked detours and use Waketon Road or College Parkway as alternate routes.